My blogs have been a little sporadic over the last few weeks. I have been busy helping to organise our schools Summer Fair, held this weekend. My children had a ball, winning a collection of sweets that will last them the summer and yet another hoard of soft toys, as if we don’t have enough already! An exhausting event packed with lots and fun and heaps of laughs.
A perfect pick me up followed the next day, a lovely Sunday afternoon wandering around our village garden safari with my three year old. We explored lots of beautiful gardens; my son was treated to ice cream and cake by various kind garden owners. We had a good old natter with everyone we met and left feeling very inspired, warm with contentment that we live in a lovely community with fabulous, kind, interesting and creative people. Sadly no pictures, too busy chatting and keeping up with my son. A beautiful, loved back garden provides more inspiration and achievable ideas than any named garden open to the public, whose survival is dependant on a team of professional gardeners.
Once home I pottered into the kitchen garden to discover an army of cabbage white caterpillars gorging themselves on my Cavolo Nero Kale. Luckily they were only on a couple of leaves, so I snipped off the leaves with the caterpillars, and relocated them in the compost heap, hopefully too far away for them to crawl back.