
We had our first proper frost this morning; I suspect it will spell the end of my annual cut flowers and beloved dahlias for the year. The ice crystals on the edge of the dahlia petals did look magical first thing this morning, it was almost worth the soggy blackened dahlia mess I’ll be clearing shortly!

frosty-dahliaA dahlia in frost

dahlia-in-frostFrost lined edges to the dahlia petals

frost-on-the-car-windscreenSolid proof of frost on the windscreen!

frosty-grassFrozen grass on the lawn

This year we’ve been treated to an autumn spectacular, the leaves have been putting on an amazing display which has wowed me daily. The yellows, oranges and reds shine out in the warm low sunshine.  As the leaves elegantly glide to the ground, it makes me think I’m in an American movie set in ‘Fall’. Sadly my photographic ability has not been able to capture the wonderful colours and evocative atmosphere, but here are a few pictures to give an idea.

autumn-copper-beech-leavesCopper beech leaves


ginkgo-tree-autumn-leavesGinkgo leaves that have turned into an amzing yellow

viburnum-opulus-autumn-leavesViburnum Opulus leaves that have turned a rich red

Well, if this years supply of cut flowers are over, I’ll be happily cutting branches of autumn leaves to replace them.